Adults also have their own expectations for the New Year. It's a time for family reunions. Egal wéi beschäftegt si sinn oder wéi wäit ewech sinn, si si vun Doheem, d'Leit probéieren hir Bescht zréck fir hir Famillen zréck ze kommen an d'Wärmung ze genéissen. Sëtzt um Dësch, dee leckere Silvester an de Guddecken an de vergaangene Joer ze chatten, starten, d'Familljememberen hir emotional Obligatiounen hunn. Moreover, the Chinese Lunar New Year is also an opportunity for adults to unwind and relieve the pressure of work and life. They can take a break and look back on the past year and make plans for the new one..
Postzäit: Jan-24-2025